Setup a ZCA Build Server


Lets use Chef to provision build servers. Start by getting the chef client installed onto your new build server machine. Don’t worry about Chef server we will only by using Chef-Solo

Install Chef Client

The following command, run as root, should install the Chef Client on most ‘nix systems:

curl -L | sudo bash

Configure Chef Solo with a ZCA Flare

Run the following commands to get setup to use the ZCA build cookbooks:

cd /tmp
wget --no-check-certificate -N -O
#the output folder name is random, hence the move
unzip && mv ZCA-Packages* zca_packages
mkdir /etc/chef
cp /tmp/zca_packages/chef-repo/.chef/solo.rb /etc/chef
#Create an alias to save typing, not required
alias chefzca='chef-solo -c /tmp/zca_packages/chef-repo/.chef/solo.rb -j /tmp/zca_packages/chef-repo/nodes/zca_build_server.json'

Chef Will Take It From Here

That should pretty much do it, just kick chef-solo into gear using our new alias:


I noticed on Centos 5.7, that something in the RabbitMQ recipe croaks on first execution, running chefzca a second time (doing nothing else), results in everything completing without error